Money Back Guarantee

How to return an artwork and get full refund

To provide collectors with maximum satisfaction, we facilitate the communication with galleries on returns and refunds.

Artworks showing "100% Money Back Guarantee" allows you to return the purchased artwork to the gallery.

How does it work?

Refunds and returns are managed differently from gallery to gallery.

We suggest contacting the seller before making the purchase and getting the most relevant information possible on the condition of the work, shipping information, and return policy.

If the artwork received is substantially different from its listing, or is found to be inauthentic, you must notify the seller of your intention to return the artwork within 14 days of receipt.

Unless agreed otherwise with the seller, it will be the buyer's responsibility to pay for the return shipment, insurance included. If the artwork has been shipped through our integrated shipping feature (handled by ARTA), ARTA can take care of the return of the item. However, please note that the return shipment is subject to approval by ARTA and it could comprise additional costs.

The artwork must be shipped in its original package. If you have already disposed of the box, you will be responsible for having the work re-packed for a safe return. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

In any case, remember to communicate the gallery the tracking information for the return shipment.

Assuming that the artwork is received by the gallery in perfect conditions, you will receive full refund no later than 14 days from the delivery of the artwork. The refund is credited on the payment method used for purchase unless agreed otherwise with the seller.

Artland does not coordinate returns or coordinate refunds.

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