Find New Artists and Artworks on Artland

This article helps you in finding new interests on the platform.

There are different ways in which you can explore Artland's database. 

From the homepage, you can access multiple tools and index pages.
By hovering on "Artworks", you can quickly filter the artworks available on the marketplace by the given categories, such as price, medium and style.

Another quick tool can be found right on our hompage and you can use to filter works by price range and medium.

If you are looking for artworks with specific characteristics, instead, you can use the filters on our marketplace section.


If your interest is to discover new artists, you can do it by hovering on "Artists" and filtering the database by style. Once you have found something that catches your eyes, you can click on the artist name and be rediredicted to the artist profile.

Here you are able to read some biographical information on the artist, see which galleries represent them and browse through the list of works available on Artland.

If instead you are not sure about what you might like or you need more information regarding the Art Market, we invite you to read the following articles:

How To Find Your Style Of Art

How Can I Learn More About Art?